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Motorcycle Accident Guide

Motorcycle Accident Guide

Motorcycle accidents can be prevented or reduced if motorists follow the motorcycle accident guide and share the road with other cars and vehicles. It is important to keep your cool and to take the necessary actions in order to manage a situation like a motorcycle accident. Motorbike accidents can cause financial and emotional damage to all involved.

Motorcyclists are more likely to die in accidents than regular car passengers because they lack protection. These are the most common causes of serious Sacramento motorcycle accidents. There are approximately 9 million motorcycles in the United States. It’s not surprising that almost 5000 motorcyclists are injured and nearly 5000 are killed each year. The fatality rate for motorcycle accidents is 26x higher than the average. It is clear that riding motorcycles carries inherent danger.

As a motorcycle accident lawyer, I have witnessed more serious injuries and deaths from motorcycle accidents than I would like to admit. These types of accidents can often be prevented, making them all the more tragic. In the following sections, you will learn how to avoid a collision with a motorbike and what to do if one does occur.

  • Take safety precautions while riding a motorcycle.
  • These are the steps to follow if you’re in an accident with your motorcycle.
  • Motorbike insurance.

Injuries caused by Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle accidents can cause serious injuries. These injuries can cause severe injury and even permanent disability. According to the NHTSA, the most serious and fatal injuries are caused by collisions where the front of the bike is involved. Here are some of the most serious injuries that can be caused by motorcycle accidents.

1. Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)

A brain injury is caused by trauma or force. TBI can result from an impact on the head caused by a motorcycle accident. This can also lead to lifelong side effects. TBI can lead to mild, temporary brain dysfunction. TBI that is more severe can cause difficulty in thinking, focusing, sleeping, and loss of memory. It could also lead to permanent disability or death. You may need long-term care and treatment.

2. Spinal Cord Injuries

Complete paralysis may occur in some parts of the body after a spinal injury. Broken vertebrae and herniated disks are all possible. Any damage to the spinal cord may require surgery. Most spinal cord injuries are irreversible. Patients will often need help to manage their injuries and may require a wheelchair or other assistive devices.

3. Road Rash

A road rash is caused by motorcyclists who slip on the pavement after they have fallen off their bikes. Road rash can be caused by a fall, being dragged on the pavement, or dirt. Any exposed areas of skin can be scraped across rough surfaces if they come in contact with the ground. The abrasiveness of the tar can cause the skin’s top layer to be peeled off if a person falls off a motorcycle. Road rash can be painful and infected if not properly cleaned. Road rash can be classified into three levels. They range from mild irritation to severe abrasions or lacerations of the skin. This can cause permanent skin damage and nerve damage.

4. Internal injuries

Riders can sustain internal bleeding or damage to their internal organs. This can occur due to a sharp injury or a blunt force sustained during an accident.

5. Broken bones

Broken legs, feet, and pelvis are all common injuries that riders may sustain from an accident. In order to heal properly, serious broken bones might require surgery or implants.

6. Eye and face injuries

A motorcycle accident can cause debris to fly into the eye. A collision could cause damage to the teeth or jaws, which may require surgery. This type of injury is more common for riders who don’t wear a full-face helmet. A full-face helmet that includes a face shield is the best option to protect your eyes and face. You can also keep debris out of your eyes by wearing riding goggles. This will help reduce injury in the event of a crash.

Top Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

  1. Age: According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), 54% of motorcyclists who were killed in an accident in 2015 were aged 40 or older. While the majority of motorcycle riders are older than others, it is important to remember that our reaction times decrease with age.
  2. Animals: Wildlife can often cross roads and cause motorcyclists to lose control and collide with other vehicles. Drivers can also be scared by deer.
  3. Bike Defects: Sometimes, motorcycle accidents can be caused by defective parts. For compensation, you can file a product liability case against the manufacturer if this happens.
  4. Cars making left-hand turns and failing to yield: 42% of motorcycle accidents involve another vehicle making a left-hand turning. A turning vehicle often hits a motorcycle while it is driving straight through intersections, passing it, or trying to overtake it. Motorcycle accidents are also caused by other drivers failing to see riders in their blind spots. Riders are most likely to die from lane changes and turning in their blind spots.
  5. Distracted driving: Distracted driving is believed to be a factor in around 40% of all motorcycle accidents. To avoid a fatal accident, you should pull to the side of the road if you need to send a message while you’re on the road.
  6. Improper Lane Changes: This is usually caused by a driver failing to ensure that the lane is clear before changing lanes. Because motorcycles are smaller than other passenger cars and trucks, it can be harder for other drivers and cyclists to spot them.
  7. Lane splitting: Does lane-splitting cause more accidents? Due to the close proximity between motorcycles and vehicles, lane splitting can increase accident chances. Why? Because other vehicles don’t expect the motorcycle to be there, this can often lead to an accident. Accidents that occur while lane splitting is often caused by motorcycle riders. Each state has its own laws regarding lane splitting. California allows motorcycles to travel between lanes while Washington currently bans lane splitting. Washington’s minimum penalty for lane splitting is a $136 fine.
  8. Left Turn in Front a Motorcyclist: This is the most common cause of motorcycle collisions, accounting for 42%. A vehicle will usually turn left and hit a motorcycle. Motorcyclists may try to pass a motorcycle while driving in the same lane or through intersections. The driver of the vehicle may not be able to see the motorcycle, for whatever reason. Many times, the driver of the car was distracted by other vehicles or assumed there wouldn’t be another type of vehicle because they weren’t in their path. This includes motorcycles.
  9. Reckless driving and speeding: This is a common one that we’ve seen many times this year. What is the impact of speed on crashes? Many of the fatalities in motorcycle accidents are due to speeding and motorcycles can be difficult to control at high speeds. Motorcycles are more maneuverable than passenger vehicles, but they also have their limits. Speeding around corners can lead to serious accidents. Reckless driving can also contribute to death by weaving between lanes, tailgating and refusing the right-of way.
  10. Ride while intoxicated: Although it seems obvious, there are still many people who make bad decisions after drinking and ride. More than 42% of all accidents involve alcohol or substances. Driving while under the influence of any substance can cause impairments in judgment, reaction time and coordination as well as cognitive abilities. Drinking alcohol can slow down your reaction time and cause you to feel tired. This increases your chances of being in an accident. What percentage of motorcycle accidents involve alcohol use? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration conducted a 2017 study and found that 33% of motorcyclists died in crashes involving alcohol impairment in 2017. This study also revealed that 5,316 motorcyclists were involved in fatal accidents involving blood alcohol levels.
  11. Road conditions are dangerous because: it’s more difficult to maneuver a two-wheeler than a single-wheeler, there are greater chances of a fatal accident due to dangerous road conditions. Bad weather, bumpy roads, and debris can increase your chances of losing control of your bike.
  12. There is not enough protective gear: Although it may not always be able to save you in an accident, any type of protective gear (helmets and chest protection, clothing, etc.) will increase your chances of making it out alive.
  13. Unexpected Open Car Doors: This one is caused by carelessness. Someone opens their door and doesn’t check if any vehicles are approaching. Motorcyclists often get thrown from their bikes when they are involved in such accidents.

Safety precautions when riding a motorcycle

You should have the right equipment and clothing for riding a motorcycle. To keep the driver’s eyes clear and prevent dryness from high-speed winds, it is a good idea to use motorcycle goggles. To protect riders from possible injuries in the event that there is a collision, a safety motorcycle jacket may be recommended.

A motorcycle helmet that complies with the U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard is the best. FMVSS states that a helmet must have a thick inner liner, consisting of strong rivets and chin straps, and comply with safety designs.

It is important to practice motorcycle safety while riding on the roads with other vehicles in order to decrease the risk of being involved in an accident.

Motorcyclists will be safer if they follow basic road rules and obey traffic lights and signs. An anti-lock brake system that works well on motorbikes increases the rider’s ability and speed to respond to sudden changes in traffic.

What to do if you are in an accident with your motorcycle?

It is important to follow a number of steps in the event of a motorcycle crash. To ensure a smooth investigation into a motorcycle accident, you will need certain documents and reports.

1. Get medical attention

After an accident, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Because of the vulnerability of motorcycle riders to other vehicles, serious injuries can result from riding on a motorcycle.

Broken extremities, spinal damage, and face and neck bruises, scrapes, and head injuries are some of the most common injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident.

2. Collect the information from other drivers

It is important to obtain information from other motorcycle accident victims in order to create accurate reports.

It is important that riders collect details like name, license number, plate, and contact information. For the purposes of filing claims, motorcycle insurance information should be shared.

3. Make a police report

Submitting a motorcycle accident police report after notifying the authorities of the collision is an appropriate action to take in order to keep driving records up to date and exact.

The police report can be used to provide evidence for an investigation into a motorcycle accident.

4. Keep Evidence

Photographing motorcycle accidents is the best way of keeping evidence. Visual evidence can be used to support legal action based on photos of the damage.

An investigation into a motorcycle accident will require details about the date, time, and location of the accident. It is important to keep these details in mind.

It is also a good idea to ask nearby witnesses to the accident to provide evidence if needed.

Motorbike insurance

Every state’s motorbike insurance requirements are different, but each state mandates that motorcyclists attain some kind of coverage. Insurance for motorcycles covers injuries and property damage to the vehicle, as well as medical bills.

The cost of a rider’s motorcycle insurance includes policies that protect against bodily injury to one or more persons and property damage.

In the event that a motorcycle accident occurs, an agency will offer compensation to the driver.

Riders are subject to suspension or cancellation of their driving privileges and registration if they don’t comply with motorcycle insurance rules. In some states, such as Georgia, driving without motorcycle insurance is considered a misdemeanor.

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