Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs In South Africa

One of the major thing man and every creature strife to strike a balance in between is survival and sustenance, what do I mean by survival? For everything you see on earth there is always a unit cost for such thing to still exist, either such thing makes use of energy from one source or power directly from what he consumed, and what man consumed is the topmost priority, men invest in many businesses, men opt-in for different jobs and open opportunities all in the name of making ends to meet, and what I mean by sustenances is the ability to keep the cash flow and the food steady without lack of anything is sustenance.

Many have asked on several occasion, What Is The Highest Paying Jobs In My Area and there has been different approach and answers to such questions, so today, we will take an in-depth analysis of the Highest Paying Jobs In South Africa and in relative to other Africa Countries.


No profession is poor or bad, neither can we say there is job security in every job we find ourselves doing, but the difference is, there are some jobs that are worth what we are being paid for, they are jobs you can rely on that will carry most of the financial needs and other procurement you need to do and not just a peanut just to keep the stomach running and keep one busy rather they are highly rewarding and of course best in the little way it could, so we will briefly write on some of the Highest Paying Jobs In South Africa. Following are the list of Jobs that Pays Well In South Africa;

    • Software Engineer
    • Pilot
    • Lawyer
    • IT Manager
    • Specialist Doctors
    • Petroleum Engineer
  • Management Consultant
  • Actuary
  • Air Traffic Controller
  • Chartered Accountant
Best Job In South Africa
Best Job In South Africa
  • #1. Software Engineer
  • Pay per Annum: R1.2 million

In recent years, a study has shown that the rewards in information and technology are relatively very huge; there is the various field in this very area of life. But a Software Engineer is people that helps to plan, process and developed a working system or better say software for your convenience and for your business to be handled with emerging technological ambiance, the world is becoming global and indirectly opening more way and wages to those in the IT fields. Professionals in the field are being paid for their professionalism, the skills and technical know ow that the work demand in which only few could withstand the pressure coming from the area.

  • #2. Pilot

Pay per Annum: R695,800

This work is, in fact, one of the best paying Jobs in South Africa, Africa and all over the world. To be a pilot takes further study, careful and deliberate learning which every skills and support have been learned so as get the plane safe to the designated abode. Just the way anyone could learn a car and starting driving in a day, piloting a plane does not function in that way; there is every need for several training, drilling, and many other things just to see to the idea needed to pilot any plane for anyone interested in getting a pilot in their hanger.

  • #3. Lawyer
  • Pay per Annum: R650, 000

One use to say, do not get angry madly or unnecessary rather get a Lawyer to help you tailor your case before the court of law and get your mandate. The lawyer is a field of life where one learns how to cite the law, interpret the law and help others channeled and lawfully communicate their mind. To be a lawyer is not a day job which is one of the reasons is a hot cake in South Africa, they could be a counsel for the government, a private individual or a firm. It is one of the field of life that also required skills and special training to be useful in that terrain.

  • #4. IT Manager
  • Pay per Annum: R620,230

Do not get confuse while you read Software Engineer as the one topping the list with the IT manager, information and communication technology is another wide area that whosoever have a grasp knowledge of this field cannot but earn better income in South Africa, in any organization you get to today, their existence at least in one sector of the organization the use of computer and relative gadgets, so anyone in charge of IT in any reputable organization in this country will have a better income to smile home with at the end of the month.

  • #5. Specialist Doctors
  • Pay per Annum: R400, 000 – R600, 000

Just the way it was everywhere on the globe, the same thing applies to South Africa, being a medical practitioner is one huge source of good pay to whosoever that study any course in this field. A medical specialist is those that tend and care for those who are not physically ok or may sustain or injury or the other. We have several specialists who are into different branches of medicine; we have the Gynecologist those that treat women and pregnant women, Dentist these are people that treat a patient with Teeth problems, we have the psychiatric doctors those who treat patients who are mentally derailing or are not in order. So studying any of the course in the medical field is a plus to your monthly salary.

  • #6. Petroleum Engineer
  • Pay per Annum: R570, 000

One of the major resource most Africa countries derive their incomes and huge capital from is the crude oil, there are different products you can get from crude oil the likes of Diesel, Petrol, Jelly and so many other by-products that are huge income, so anyone who is trained in the field of petroleum as an engineer will earn many forms South Africa because this country also derives her income from the crude oil, most graduates and experts in this field are always not redundant because they are easily absorbed. Their work is to mine the crude oil, refine it, process it to usable by-products.

  • #7. Management Consultant
  • Pay per Annum: minimum of R390, 000

As we all know that daily, there is a different organization that is springing up, they offer services to men to help solve their societal need; they help any organization run diagnostic tests on her staffs, help give orders and rules that will aid the smooth running of such organization. Also, they are into staffing competent hands, and best hands that are technocratic in doing to improve the productivity of the organization and in return improve their profits, so anyone who studies this course and has firsthand training on Management Consultant earns reasonably well in South Africa.

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  • #8. Actuary
  • Pay per Annum:

This is another exciting field of life that help predict every financial implication of a company, they support the company in terms of taking the risk, help in the finance department of any organization and also predict some natural phenomena. Also, there is some financial decision any organization may want to take; they are responsible for giving accurate or at least helpful information on what the effects and multiplier effects will be.

  • #9. Air Traffic Controller
  • Pay per Annum: R580, 000

These are sets of people who prevent ugly incidents that may arise from unsafe takeoff of a flight and smooth landing of such plane, the number of people traveling by in increasing, and the number of Airplanes taking off per hours also are increasing, the needs to regulate the flight traffic brought about this profession and is on the list of highest paying Jobs In South Africa.

  • #10. Chartered Accountant
  • Pay per Annum: R435, 000

For every financial organization, there is a need for accountability and accuracy in results, for anyone who has certification in accounting stands a great opportunity of getting a better remuneration. The services of an accountant are needed in virtually any organization, ranges from Bank, Insurance companies, micro finances and so many organizations that makes use of money for their transactions.

Inconsistency in the financial record could land a company in the problem, so the need to hire someone who is an expert in this field is crucial and paramount. Also, they help calculate the taxes the company is expected to pay to the government; they help represent the company in any financial meeting that will improve the organization to grow.

Conclusion on the Highest Paying Jobs in South Africa

For as many that has been giving it a thought to make sure they change their location to a greener pastures and have been bothering on which job as well in South Africa those are the list of the posts on this write-up, also for those contemplating on courses to study in South Africa that will be lucrative to put food on their table, you can consider reviewing any of the directions above.

At this juncture, we expect your feedback, your comments and every other thing you want us to know about.

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