A career in Law appeals to quite some people yearly. The profession is quite illustrious and has several popular and highly successful practitioners which is quite a pull for many youngsters who desire to be like this elite lawyers. A degree in Law is an essential requirement for becoming a lawyer which is why we have compiled this list of the best law schools in the world currently. This list is generated based in the 2020 QS World University Rankings by Subject. The ranking offers one of the most comprehensive assessments of the best universities in the world. Forty-eight subjects were considered, and one of those subjects is law, with 300 institutions from 42 different countries of the world featured in 2020. You will notice that schools in the UK and the US dominate this list which isn’t quite a surprise as these two countries boast of some of the best institutions of learning in the world. Of the 300 schools that were assessed, 95 were from the US and UK. So which are the best law schools currently in the world, find out below.


  • #1. Harvard University
Harvard University
Harvard University Best Law University In The World.

Harvard is top of this list for the 6th consecutive year. The school achieved a near perfect score across the different indicators used to compile the rankings by QS. The school offers three distinct degree programs: the J.D. Program (Juris Doctor), and the S.J.D. Program (Doctor of Juridical Science), the LL.M. Program (Master of Laws). First-year students in Harvard law school will study a curriculum which provides fantastic preparation for working in law in this modern age. The curriculum covers areas such as civil procedure, criminal law, property law, and torts.

  • #2. University of Oxford
Oxford University
Oxford University

Coming in second place is the University of Oxford. The school is well known for producing several famous and highly successful people including former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair. The school has also provided 22 law lords. Oxford University currently offers the largest doctoral law program in the entire English-speaking world; it is therefore not surprising that the school is ranked this high. Also, the school offers a unique graduate law program as it incorporates tutorials as well as seminars and lectures. According to the university, no other institution in the world does this.

#3. University of Cambridge

Cambridge University
Cambridge University

Next is another British university, University of Cambridge. The school offers six different law degrees, including a BA at the undergraduate level and an LL.M. and also Masters of Corporate Law (MCL) at the postgraduate level. Undergraduate students of the school have the option of spending some of their studies abroad, as part of the Erasmus+ scheme. Cambridge has an exchange partnership with four different law faculties across Europe. These are Poitiers (France), Utrecht (The Netherlands), Regensburg (Germany), and the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain). However, choosing to do this adds an extra year to the length of your undergraduate degree upping your program duration from three years to four.

  • #4. Yale University
Yale University
Yale University

American University, Yale maintains its position on this list. The school lays a strong emphasis on research, and as a result, this University has got huge remarks for a reasonable number of citation in published papers. It is this intense focus on research that draws a lot of diligent and bookish students to Yale yearly. Admissions here are highly competitive with less than one in 10 applicants offered admission. There are approximately 200 students in each class of Yale’s three-year J.D. Program. You should know that Bill and Hillary Clinton met and started dating at Yale Law School while they were students there in 1971.

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#5. Stanford University

Stanford is the third American University in the top five. The school is located in California and currently has 180 students enrolled in the school’s J.D. Program. Aside from the J.D. Program, there are four advanced legal degrees offered by Stanford. These are; a Master of Laws (LL.M.), a Master of the Science of Law (J.S.M.), a Master of Studies in Law (M.S.L.), and a Doctor of the Science of Law (J.S.D.).

#6. University of Melbourne

In 6th place is the first and only non-American and non-British Law school to feature on this list. Melbourne Law School abbreviated MLS is one of the professional graduate schools of the University of Melbourne. The school is Australia’s oldest law school and is located in Carlton, Victoria. The school offers J.D., LL.M, Ph.D., and LL.D degrees. The school has over the years produced quite some notable alumni in law and politics, including four former Australian Prime Ministers, three Governors-General, four Chief Justices of Australia as well as thirteen Commonwealth Attorneys-General and several others.

  • #7. London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

Although the name of this school might suggest it is primarily economics and political science school, the University offers a range of courses including law, for which it is regarded as one of the top citadels of learning in the world. At the undergraduate level, the school gives you the option of choosing a double degree program if you wish as part of the university’s LLB Bachelor of Laws program. After studying for two years in London, this program enables you to transfer to Columbia Law School in the US for two more years of study to complete your application.

  • #8. The University of California, Berkeley (UCB)

In its 125th year of existence, University of California is 8th on this list. It is the second Californian institution to feature on this list of top law schools in the world. The school was initially founded as the Department of Jurisprudence. The school approximately has 850 J.D. students and another 245 studying at a postgraduate level. Similar to other schools on this list, the school is highly selective in its admissions process. The school places high importance at an undergraduate degree on GPA scores.

  • #9. Columbia University

Columbia University is yet another American university on this list. The school is equally as competitive as others to feature on this list but studying here also doesn’t come cheap as fees exceed $65000. Columbia Law School has on its list of alumni, two ex-US Presidents, Teddy Roosevelt, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt and also more members of the Forbes 400 than any other law school in the world.

  • #10. New York University (NYU)

The last law school on this list is that of New York University. It is one of the pioneer school of law in New York City and has quite a great statue which has always been boosting the tendencies and employment of their graduates. The University has a record that nine months after graduation their students got employed which the statistics stood at 93.7%. Over 7000 applications are received each year for the 450 available places which make the school not only one of the most competitive in the US but also one of the most competitive in the world. Over 7000 applications are received each year for the 450 available places which make the school not only one of the most competitive in the US but also one of the most competitive in the world. For those that have got the ability and are admitted into this highly prestigious institution, they will be following the antecedence of known legal luminaries such as John F. Kennedy Jr, journalist Glenn Greenwald and the former mayor of New York City, Ed Koch.


Conclusion On Top 10 Law Schools In The World

Law is a highly prestigious course that offers a dream career path for many. Lawyers are in high demand and earn vast sums as salary. Also, the nobility of this profession makes it such a good one and lots of youngsters seek admission into law schools all over the world. This means the bar is always high and only the best get admitted. A degree earned from one of the top schools in the world will boost further strengthen your tendencies of securing a job as soon as you graduate. This is why we compiled this list of best law schools in the world. Being a lawyer is one career that is not a mere job for a way a stable profession, and there are several reasons why you should consider a career in this field. One is the earning potential. Lawyers rank as one of the highest paid professionals in the world. Top lawyers earn large sums in salary, far above average national wage. If you can secure employment in a top firm, you will receive much pay. The prestige of this profession is another pull that draws people to it. Lawyers are placed in an elite circle of professionals and command respect. They embody the definition of success, and till today, lawyer enjoys the unique professional status and a glamorous image perpetuated by the media. The law profession also allows you to help others. If you are someone who is passionate about helping others, a law career will help you do this, and you will derive the satisfaction you desire in doing so. Also, lawyers champion legal causes for the greater good of society and also help those who need legal assistance but cannot afford the services of a lawyer. The profession is also quite challenging as a law job is one of the most intellectually rewarding on the planet. So if it is your dream to don the wig and gown and be counted amongst the elites in the society, the best law schools in the world have been listed here for your consideration to help you actualize your dream.

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