Poverty Rate In The World 2020 – Causes, Effects, And How To Reduce

Poverty Rate In The World 2020-Poverty is viewed as an economic condition that is due to the lack of both money and essential amenities such as foodwater, utilities, and housing needed to live successfully. The rate of poverty in the globe has been a concern for everyone especially the harsh effect of it. It is perceived that almost half of the world (over three billion people) survives on less than $1.00 a day. Emphatically, more than 80% of the world’s population lives in countries where income differentials are widening. These lacks of income security, economic stability and the likelihood of one have continued means to meet basic needs all serve as absolute indicators of poverty. 5% of the global income is from the poorest 40% of the world’s population while the wealthiest 20% accounts for three-quarters of world income. It is in this view that this piece of writing is geared towards the Poverty Rate in the World including the causes, effects and how to reduce it.


Everyone needs to feed and feed their families as well, travel to and from work, pay bills for utilities (electric, gas, water, mortgage, etc.) and also provide your child school supplies. But all you have is just $1.90 in your pocket. This is mission impossible, a fit that cannot be possible. Sadly but true, this is the case approximately 800 million people in the world. Surviving below $1.90 in a day is considered as living in extreme poverty.

  • Causes of Poverty In The World

One cannot help but wonder what is the purpose of this state of abject lack among this high number of the world population? Despite the fact that drastic measures been employed, various poverty eradication programmes are designed, yet! It seems the poverty rate continually is on the rise. Below are some key points believed to be the reason or cause of poverty.

poverty rate in the world 2019
the poverty rate in the world 2020
  1. Limited Capacity Of The Government

Developed countries are familiar with the Social welfare programme implemented by the government so that citizens can usually not all government has the capacity to provide this type of aids to her citizens — knowing full well that without the safety net there will be no impediment to stop vulnerable families falling even deep to further into extreme poverty if something goes wrong. Unproductive governments policies and ideas in many ways have its quota on other causes of extreme poverty that has been stated above, as they are unable to provide necessary infrastructure or ensure that the citizens are safe and secured in the event of conflict.

  1. Lack Of Infrastructure

Most countries in the world are a victim of this. Lack of infrastructures such as good roads, health facilities, stable electricity, and water supply, quality educational facilities, bridges, cell phones, internet and so on contributes to the poverty rate of a country. Not just that, it can isolate communities living in rural areas from connecting to the outside world, this is referred to as Living “off the grid,” which means the failure to go to school, market to buy and sell goods or work to earn a living. Traveling far places to access basic services takes time, and it costs money, keeping families in poverty. Lack of infrastructure is a great determinant that reduces opportunities, and as you know without opportunities, it may not be as easy as thought and in most cases it is impossible, to elude extreme poverty.

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  • Poor Education

Another cause of poverty in our modern day society is poor education. However, one can boldly say that not every person without an education is living in extreme poverty. Factually, the majority of the extremely poor people are not educated. There are a lot of factors that hinder people especially children from going to school. Many families today cannot afford the cost of education which is very high and as such, they cannot send their children to school but rather, need them to work. Some family still don’t see the need for educating girls. Education is often referred to as the key that can open the door to jobs and other resources and skills that an individual or a family needs not just to survive, but thrive.

  1. Inequality

There has been a lot of campaign globally for inequality to be jettisoned. Aside from the gender equality which is at the forefront, there are many other types of inequality in the world. They include economic disparities, social inequalities like caste systems, or tribal affiliations. Nonetheless, whatever type of difference it might be, it all bores down to the same thing, meaning “unequal or no access to the resources needed to keep or lift a family out of poverty”.

Inequalities can be obvious or subtle in some situations. For example, when a particular set or group is favored and preferred over the other. However, these inequalities imply those that are affected don’t have the facilities or amenities to forge ahead in a desperate way, and for families that are already vulnerable, this can be tantamount to the difference between being poor or living in extreme poverty.

  1. Conflict

This is among the core factors or causes of poverty, and it needs urgent attention. Conflict is almost evident in every part of the world today, and it is affecting the economic lifestyle of people. A battle which is misunderstood anding between two parties has a way of causing poverty. The frequent conflicts in our modern world include tribal strife, religious conflict, and conflict of interests among others. Conflict can cause hardship in many ways than you can imagine. A typical example is violence in Syria, a terrorist event in Northeast Nigeria among other conflicts in the world, can destroy infrastructure, bring a society to a standstill, and cause people to flee their settlements, forcing them to sell or leave behind all their assets.

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A little jolt of violence can have huge impacts on communities that are already struggling. Women and children are most vulnerable in these kinds of conflicts because they become the targets of sexual violence and hard labor.

  1. Little Access or No Access to Livelihoods or source of employemnt

This is one of the highest contributing factors to the poverty rate experienced in most countries where the poverty ratio is high. Without a job or a means to generate income, people will face poverty. To get a job especially in developing nations is not an easy task. The few jobs available are already contested for a while the majority of other posts underpay which cannot meet daily needs. While erratic work and low paying jobs can cause a family to experience poverty, absolutely no work implies that a family can’t get by without assistance.

Possible Solutions to Reduce or Eradicate Poverty

To every challenge, there is a solution. Many organizations both governmental and non-governmental have tried to come up with possible solutions (i.e., MDGs and SDGs) to ensure that poverty rate is reduced, yet much ground is yet to be covered. Some of the possible solutions to reduce poverty rate includes:

  1. Job Creation

Creating jobs has a way of reducing the poverty rate and boosting the economic activities of a country. It is perceived to be the best route out of poverty. It is important to create millions of jobs to help reduce the rate of unemployment which in turn reduce the poverty rate. More so, it is crucial that the federal government invest in job-creation strategies such as developing renewable energy sources; rebuilding our infrastructure; renovating abandoned buildings; and also striving to create other type of invesment that are apealing which will open doors of jobs creation, revitalize neighborhoods, and boost the national economy.





  1. Improve the management of water and other natural resources.

Most countries particularly in Africa and some part of Asia, this case is predominant. Poor quality water which is hazardous to the health of people and also increases the rate of sickness in rural communities. Good water should be made available. Most of the people that dwell in the non-urband areas depend on agricultural activities or other natural resources for their livelihood. Therefore, it is necessary that they have more evenhanded accesses to those resources so that, they can be able to manage their resources better.

  1. Invest in and implement agricultural programs.

The agricultural sector is still green and has not been fully tapped like the crude oil and mining sector. Governments of the countries that are within the countries where the poverty rate is high should explore agriculture and improve on the existing phenomena.

  1. Improving the Basic Infrastructures

Basic infrastructures lacking should be developed so that more people especially those in the rural areas can be connected to other towns and cities in the country. Once necessities such as light, road, water, gas, internet, health facilities, housing, etc. are put in place, it will motivate people to put more effort and improve on their economic endeavors. For example, a farmer that can transport his produce safely and efficiently to the market place where he can sell will be happy going back home with enough money he made from his produce.

  1. Improve Education Package and Quality

According to the United Nations Educational Cultural Organization (UNESCO), estimates that 171 million people can be lifted out of poverty if they are educated (even if it’s just reading skills). There is a need to make education available and accessible to everyone even those living in the rural areas. The importance of education in our modern day society cannot be undermined.

Other measures that can be visited to eradicate or reduce poverty include:

  1. opening access to sources of sustainable livelihoods, entrepreneurial opportunities, and productive resources;
  2. Providing universal access to essential social aids and services;
  3. Progressively developing social protection systems to support those who cannot help themselves;
  4. Giving aids to people living in countries suffering from poverty and their organizations;
  5. Addressing the disproportionate impact of poverty on women;
  6. Working with interested donors and recipients to allocate increased shares of ODA to poverty eradication; and
  7. Intensifying international cooperation for poverty eradication.

Countries That Are Deeply Affected By Poverty In the World

The current estimate of people all over the world living in poverty or abject poverty is around 643,527,400, which amounts for 8% of the world’s population. An estimated 87 million people out of that figure are currently living in Nigeria, a value that accounts for 44.2% of its current estimated 196 million populations. By this, Nigeria has overtaken India to become the poverty capital of the world. In this wise below is a table showing the Nine (9) countries that are hit the most by poverty.

S/N Country Percentage of Population in Extreme Poverty Status
1. Nigeria 4.67 Poverty Rising
2. Demographic Republic of Congo 77 Poverty Rising
3. Ethiopia 23.4 On track
4. Tanzania 35 Off track
5. Mozambique 61.8 Off track
6. Kenya 30 Off track
7. Uganda 34.2 Off track
8. South Africa 24.6 Off track
9. South Sudan 93 Poverty rising







Conclusion on the Poverty Rate in the World 2020 – Causes, Effects and How to Reduce

It is alarming the rate at which poverty is on the increase despite different concern raised and approaches towards it. More effort still needs to be inputted so that the majority of the world’s population will be lifted out of poverty into a comfortable life.

Tag: Poverty Rate in the World 2020 – Causes, Effects and How to Reduce