Top 10 Best Business Books for Entrepreneurs Right Now

Best Business Books for Entrepreneurs– One of the greatest investment as an entrepreneur is to invest in knowledge. As such, one of the instrumental means of getting knowledge is to read books of different categories but in this case it is in respect to entrepreneurship. So, if you are searching for good entrepreneur books to read to boost your productivity, you are reading the right article compiled on the Best Business Books for Entrepreneurs Right Now.


Entrepreneurship is not just passion driven but requires that you also learn from experts and this can be done by reading the books they have written. As such, if you have been looking for entrepreneur books to read, below is the highlight of 10 Entrepreneurship Best Business Books we have listed out for you.

  1. How to Win Friends and Influence People
  2. The Psychology of Selling
  3. Who Moved My Cheese?
  4. Rich Dad, Poor Dad
  5. Thinking, Fast and Slow
  6. The Startup of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career
  7. Think and Grow Rich
  8. The 4-Hour Workweek
  9. The $100 Startup
  10. Click Millionaires

Best Business Books for Entrepreneurs

  • #1. How to Win Friends and Influence People
  • Author: Dale Carnegie
How to Win Friends and Influence People one of the Entrepreneurship Best Business Books
How to Win Friends and Influence People one of the Entrepreneurship Best Business Books

Occupying the first spot on our list of Best Business Books for Entrepreneurs Right Now is the book “How to win friends and influence people” written by the renowned American writer, Dale Carnegie, the originator of self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking, and interpersonal skills courses. Reading this book will definitely change your perspective and mindset, and lead you to success. Aside from learning life’s rule, you will also learn about entrepreneurship. The author reveals all the steps you need to take so as to influence friends with everyone you meet. Also, you will learn the protocol of overcoming competition, as well as how to win people over, especially those who are close-minded or simply showing no interest in your pitch. This book is undoubtedly a must read for entrepreneurs making it one of the Entrepreneurship Best Business Books in our writing.

  • #2. The Psychology of Selling
  • Author: Brian Tracy
The Psychology of Selling one of the Best Business Books for Entrepreneurs
The Psychology of Selling one of the Best Business Books for Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur, it is important that you know how to sell your products and or services because without selling out you will definitely be broke. That is where this book comes in at the second spot on our list titles “The Psychology of Selling”. American-Canadian motivational speaker and writer, Brian Tracy did justice to this book to help boost your sales faster and easily than you can possibly imagine. You will not only learn how to sell your products or service but yourself and your ideas as well. The book reveals valuable information and strategies on how to make more sales by focusing on one thing – the person.

  • #3. Who Moved My Cheese? (An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life)
  • Author: Spencer Johnson

This bestselling book with a mouthful title encompasses the wisdom you need as an entrepreneur making it one of the Entrepreneurship Best Business Books to read right now. The book uses an illustrative manner to deliver its message featuring four mice – Sniff, Scurry, Hem and Haw. The story depicts four different personalities and how they can affect your business. The aim of this book is to teach business people about themselves as well as the life choices they make. Also, business people will learn how to become flexible when making decisions in order to confidently move forward towards their dreams and goals.

At the end of the book, readers are recommended to draw a map and position themselves in between the four mice, at the personality type that best fits them.

  • #4. Rich Dad, Poor Dad
  • Author: Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter

If you have not read this popular bestselling book as an entrepreneur, I wonder what you have been doing! Rich Dad, Poor Dad is worthy to be listed among the Best Business Books for Entrepreneurs Right Now. The book is not just a work of thoughts alone but fused in some real-life stories especially the ones that made the author who he is and the rich entrepreneur he is today. Robert Kiyosaki reveals all the tidbit you need to know about financial education. Further more the book also enlighten readers about the rat race and also teaches you how to make your entrepreneurial dreams come true by giving revealing one of the major truth of success and that is going to school, graduating with good grades, and working for a secure company is not the way to success and wealth.

  • #5. Thinking, Fast and Slow
  • Author: Daniel Kahneman

This book is aimed at restructuring our mindset revealing the two systems in the mind that can either make or distort our ability to move forward and succeed in life making it one of the Entrepreneurship Best Business Books that you have to read right now. The author reveals in this piece of informative and inspiring writing about the fast and emotional system, and the slow, more logical system that makes up our entire mind. He further breaks down the various effects of each system on our success, mentality, confidence, and teachability index.

  • #6. The Startup of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career
  • Author: Reid Hoffman

At the sixth spot on our list of Best Business Books for Entrepreneurs Right Now is the book written by Reid Hoffman, The Startup of You. Hoffman provides recipes to managing your career as if you are an existing entrepreneur. This book comes in handy for those who possibly are into the 9:00am -5:00pm jobs while growing their own business which can be hard due to lack of focus. This book will help you to think like an entrepreneur at all times, motivating you to continue on your venture no matter what.

  • #7. Think and Grow Rich
  • Author: Napoleon Hill

This amazing book by Napoleon Hill teaches about the thirteen steps to riches which according to the author were secrets to building wealth. The book is written based on stories of millionaires like Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, and Thomas Edison to illustrate the principles which he provides.

  • #8. The 4-Hour Workweek
  • Author: Timothy Ferriss

Timothy Ferris is the author of this amazing book “The 4-Hour Workweek” which is among our Entrepreneurship Best Business Books because it help puts you in the right frame of mind to start building a business that will allow you to work just 4 hours a week and still build a fortune. This of course is the dream and desire of many people… to work less and have time for other activities and at the same time earn enough to keep them out of the beggar sphere.

  • #9. The $100 Startup
  • Author: Chris Gillebeau

We included this book on our list of Best Business Books for Entrepreneurs Right Now so that those who feel lack of fund to startup their business is an excuse can have a rethink. The author, Chris Gillebeau reveals about 50 most amazing success stories of entrepreneurs who started with only a few funds in their bank accounts and are currently making more than $50,000.

  • #10. Click Millionaires
  • Author: Scott Fox

Bringing us to the end of our listing at the tenth spot is “Click Millionaires”. It is no doubt that the internet is currently been exploited by various businesses around the world thereby leading to more the creation of e-commerce businesses than ever. The author reveals the ability to combine outsourcing and automated online marketing to build monthly cash-flow online. More so, you get to learn how to build an online business by examining all the tools that are available to you.

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Conclusion on Top 10 Best Business Books for Entrepreneurs Right Now

We have come to the end of our discussion and believe that you enjoy it as well. These books are geared towards helping you build a successful entrepreneurship career that will help you build the fortune you desire. It is important that you build your own business and not continue to depend on white collar jobs or government support to live your life because you are way much beyond that.

Let us know what you think about this article and how helpful it is to you by giving us a feedback.

Tag: Top 10 Best Business Books for Entrepreneurs Right Now