Kenya is one of the Africa Countries which is located in the Eastern part of Africa; 49.7 million people occupying a landmass of 582,644 square kilometers. There are 47 counties in the country each with different administrative functions.  The counties are geographical territories that were carved out from the previously known provinces; this was as a result of the 2010 constitution Referendum of Kenya. In this article, we will discuss the Top Ten Largest Counties in Kenya according to Land Mass.


I know you are eager to know which the largest county in Kenya is. Let’s take a look at the highlight of the provinces which are the largest in the country below.

  • Turkana County
  • Marsabit County
  • Wajir County
  • Garissa County
  • Tana River County
  • Isolo County
  • Kitu County
  • Kajiado County
  • Samburu County
  • Narok County

These counties are the largest in Kenya and were selected based on their land mass as per the directive of the 2010 constitution Referendum of Kenya with the provision of the population census conducted in 2009.

  • #1. Turkana County
  • Land Mass Size: 71,597.8km2
Turkana County
Turkana County Largest County In Kenya By Landmass

First on our list is Turkana County occupying the largest land area in Kenya. It is located in the former rift valley province in the Northern region of the country. It is also known as an oil-rich area (just discovered recently). It is also home to Lake Turkana, the second largest lake in East Africa, the lake serves as a source of water the residents and even a popular tourist attraction. Due to the location of the County, it experiences little rainfall and high temperate weather.

  • #2. Marsabit County
  • Land Mass Size: 66.923km2
Marsabit County
Marsabit County

Second largest county on our list is the Marsabit County also located in the Northern part of the country and borders Lake Turkana and also home to Chalbi, the largest desert in Kenya. There are several towns such as North Horr, Sak, Laisamis and others in the county and most significant among them all is Moyale. Like Turkana County, Marsabit County has high temperate weather but, it is also a tourist site with tourist visiting the Sibiloi National Park, the Desert Museum and Lake Paradise, and even Marsabit National Park among others.


  • #3. Wajir County
  • Land Mass Size: 55,840.6km2
Wajir County
Wajir County

Third on our list is the Wajir County which was carved out from the former the North Eastern province. We have a list of various towns in these counties, and it also houses 14 administrative divisions, and it borders the Marsabit County. Tourist visits the Wajir County to have a peek into the Wajir Museum has fragments and historical artifacts which makes the museum more of cultural museums that gives insight into the cultures and lifestyle of the communities found in the area and Northern Kenya. Majority of the inhabitants in this County are into Livestock rearing.

  • #4. Garissa County
  • Land Mass Size: 45,720.2km2
Garissa County
Garissa County

The Garissa County is the fourth on our list located in North Eastern Kenya. The County provides shelter to a lot of refugees from Somalia who are staying in the various refugee camps in the area making the County to be largely populated by ethnic Somalis. There are six constituencies in this County: The Garissa Township constituencies, Fafi Constituency, Dadaab Constituency, Lagdela Constituency, Balambala Constituency, and The Ijara Constituency. Garissa Town is the largest town in this County serving as the capital as well as the county’s largest central town. The major occupation of inhabitants in this County is pastors.

  • #5. Tana River County
  • Land Mass Size: 35,375.8km2

The Tana River County is another large County located in the former Coast Province region. The major ethnic group found in this county is the Orma, Pokomo, and Wardley ethnic groups. The County is home to River Tana, the longest River in the Country.

The County is referred to as the ‘sleeping Giant of Coastal Tourism” because of the availability of immense potential in tourism and trade activities. It is also home to the historical Kora National Park which is home to George Adamson aka Bwana Simba, a famous tourist in the 1980’s who received a substantial amount of tourists which has improved the reforms to be carried out in the tourism industry.

  • #6. Isiolo County
  • Land Mass Size: 25,336.1km2

Occupying the Sixth spot on the Top Ten Largest Counties in Kenya by Land Mass is Isiolo County, carved out from the former Eastern province of Kenya. It occupies a land mass of about 25,336.1 square kilometers. The County is home to good infrastructure among which is the newly upgraded Isiolo Airport to an international airport; it has good roads and amenities are also good, above average, The County also has some of the best park and reserves in Kenya. Buffalo Springs National Reserve, the Shaba National Reserve, and the Bisanandi National Reserve are all located in the county. In addition to making tourism enjoyable in the County is the hotel industry such as the Shaba Sarova Game Lodge located in the county.  Due to unreliable rainfall and the location of the county been a semi-arid area, the county agricultural activities are poor.

  • #7. Kitu County
  • Land Mass Size: 21,292.7km2

Kitui County is the seventh Largest County in Kenya by Land Mas. The Kamba community inhabiting the Kitui County area has the highest population with the population of about 1,012,709 people. Mbitini, Migwani, Mwingi, and Kitui are the major towns in the County. Cotton farming is done in these counties(but due to weather, cotton does fairly well in the raids), Coal and Limestone mining are the main high income generating activities in the area. These activities had boost and improved the living standards of the locals while Hotelling Industry, pubs clubs and bars, and even mechanic services are some of the jobs that are lucrative in the County. Like other Counties mentioned above, the County’s tourism sector is booming because of the great reserves: Tsavo East National Park, Mwingi National Reserve, South Kitui National Reserve, and the Ikoo Valley too reserves, landscapes such as the mythical Nzambani Rock.

  • #8. Kajiado County
  • Land Mass Size: 21,292.7km2

Gradually getting to the rock bottom of our list is the Kajiado County is situated at the Southern helms of the former Rift Valley Province. The County is divided into five constituencies which are Kajiado Central, Kajiado North, Kajiado South, Kajiado West, and Kajiado East; it also consists of some administrative districts such as Kajiado Central, Isinya, Loitokitok, Magadi, Mashuru and the largest town is Ngong among others with the capital been Jajiado. The county has a beautiful landscape and other topographic structures including Valleys and volcanic hills. Most of the residents in this County practice subsistence farming.

  • #9. Samburu County
  • Land Mass Size: 20,182.5km2

Samburu County is number ninth on the list, and it is located in the former Rift Valley Province of Kenya in Northern Kenya. The County has three constituencies which are the Samburu East, Samburu West, and Samburu North. The county comprises of towns such as Maralal which also is the capital, Baragoi, Archers Post, South Horr among others. The county major economic activities are animal husbandry.

  • #10. Narok County
  • Land Mass Size: 17,921.5km2

Last on our list with a land mass of 17, 921 square kilometers is Narok County also located along the former Rift Valley Province in Kenya. The County consists of six central towns which are Kilgoris, Narok North, Narok South, Narok East, Narok West, and Emurua Dikirr. It is home to some tourist attractive structure such as the Massai Mara National Park which host the Wildebeest migration noted as the seventh wonder of the world. Due to good weather and average rainfall in the county, agricultural practice in the county is high as well as livestock rearing. Also, the county also has a gold mine which contributes to the country’s economy.

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Conclusion on Top Ten Largest Counties in Kenya According to Land Mass

Kenya as a country has a beautiful country endowed with a lot of natural resources and also wildlife reserves. These are the Top Ten Biggest Counties by Land Mass out of the 47 Counties in the country. Aside from being the largest counties in the state virtually all of the counties are tourists attractive sites housing beautiful landscapes, historical buildings, museums, etc. and are visited by thousands of tourist yearly. More so, most of the counties are in the government’s developmental agenda of vision 2030 which will also foster the economic activities of these counties

Tag: Top 10 Largest Counties in Kenya According to Land Mass