This piece of writing is focused on another view of “World Population” this time on World Population by religion. There is roughly 4,200 religion in the world practiced by different people of various ethnicity settling in different continents in the world. Religion is fundamental and a strong backbone of the human lifestyle. As such, we are interested to know the world population base on the population practiced and which religion pulled or is pulling the largest community in the world. Sit back, relax and journey with us as we unveil to you the Religion with the highest population in the world

In our quest to bring you most informative information and updates, here are our researched questions that we notice most readers are always inquisitive to know, if your question is among any of these, then be rest assured we will be writing on them here in this article, all we have requested of you is to follow us step by step as we bring you the most informative data on the Population Of The World By Religion 2020.

  • Population Of The World By Religion
  • Population Of The World By Religion 2020
  • World Population By Religion
  • World Population Of Religion
  • Population Of The World By Religion In 2050

So, let us get our hands dirty have we give you the nitty-gritty of Population Of The World By Religion 2020.


Religion is undoubtedly has formed one of our strong force as humans, and I know you are curious to know which religious group has the most population in the world. Aside from other parameters used in dividing the world’s population, religion is our focal point to identify world population in this piece of writing. Therefore, without further ado, the table below gives a highlight of World Population by religion.

S/N Religion Population Percentage
1.       Christianity 2.4 billion 33%
2.       Islam 1.8 billion 24.1%
3.       Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist 1.2 billion 16%
4.       Hinduism 1.15 billion 15%
5.       Buddhism 521 million 7%
6.       Chinese traditional religion 394 million 5.50%
7.       Ethnic religions apart from some in separate categories 300 million 4.19%
8.       African traditional religions 100 million 1.40%
9.       Sikhism 30 million 0.32%
10.   Spiritism 15 million 0.21%
11.   Judaism 14.4 million 0.20%
12.   Bahá’í 7.0 million 0.10%
13.   Jainism 4.2 million 0.06%
14.   Shinto 4.0 million 0.06%
15.   Cao Dai 4.0 million 0.06%
16.   Zoroastrianism 2.6 million 0.04%
17.   Tenrikyo 2.0 million 0.02%
18.   Neo-Paganism 1.0 million 0.01%
19.   Unitarian Universalism 0.8 million 0.01%
20.   Rastafari 0.6 million 0.01%
Total 7.167 billion 100%


From the table above, you can see that globally, Christians are still the most significant religious religion on the planet, making up almost a third (31%) of Earth’s 7.3 billion population, as indicated. In any case, the report additionally depicts that the number of Christians in what many think about the religion’s heartland, the mainland of Europe, is facing a severe decline. On the other hand, Muslims make up the second largest religion in the world, with 1.8 billion individuals, or 24% of the total populace.

Still discussing World Population by Religion, the table above still help us to come up with the best four religion in the world from the table above portraying World Population by Religion.

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These four are trailed by around 80% of the total populace. These religions impact about 6.9 billion people in the world. Obviously, there are a lot more religions and numerous groups in the world. Be that as it may, their devotee numbers are lesser than the four religion on this list. These minority religions are likewise observed to be restricted to explicit topographies.

  • Christianity

Christianity practiced by Christians referred to as people of Faith is by and by the largest religion of all as per an analysis carried out by the Pew Research Center. About 2.3 billion individuals on earth are into Christian faith. Around 31.2% of the total populace are Christians. The Pew Research study discovered that Christianity is on a consistent decrease in the continent of Europe where it is believed to be the strongest while, on the other hand, the quantity of Christians are ascending in Sub-Saharan Africa, North America, and Latin America.

  • Islam

Islam comes next with roughly 1.8 billion devotees. The religion started in what is known as present-day Saudi Arabia. Prophet Muhammad uncovered its lessons to mankind. Islam adherents are known as Muslims. They have faith in one single God which Muslims call Allah. Among the Muslims, a lion’s share is Sunni (80% to 90%) and the rest of the Shia (10% to 20%). Islam is divided into two orders because of a debate concerning progression post Muhammad’s demise in 632 AD. Around 24% or 1.8 billion individuals on the planet are Muslim. The number of devotees increased at a quick clasp from 2010 to 2020. Births surpassed deaths by around 152 million.

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The Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist make up the third largest religion in the world with about 1.2 billion individuals who call themselves “no religious alliance.” They are also known as the unaffiliated moniker is given to people who recognize themselves as secular, freethinker, non-religious, or skeptics. Around 50% of these groups are theists however not religious. Humanists are in this class also.

  • Hinduism

Hinduism is the fourth largest religion in the world with 900 million devotees. Disciples of this religion, for the most part, live in the Indian subcontinent. This religion is unique in relation to some other religion because of the nonattendance of a solitary organizer. There are numerous sacred writings. Lessons are numerous and not institutionalized.

Some Key Factors that Affect and Contribute to World Population Religion


Factually, fertility difference between the world religions is one of the major factors behind the current population trend and will be significant for future development as seen in the World Population by Religion. Worldwide, Muslims have the most astounding fertility rate of any religious groups – a normal of 2.9 children per lady, well above substitution level (2.1), the base commonly expected to keep up a steady populace. This fertility advantage is one motivation behind why Muslims are expected to catch up with Christians in outright number and as a share of the world population in the coming years. while Christians on the other hand though dominating as the largest religion in the world have the second most astounding fertility rate, at 2.6 children per lady. Hindu and Jewish fertility rate (2.3 each) are both just underneath the global average fertility rate of 2.4 children per lady. All other significant religious groups have fertility rates too low to even think about sustaining their populaces.

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  • Age Difference

Undoubtedly, the age difference is significant to the world Population by Religion and also paramount for future growth. Some religion followers are prevalently youthful, with their prime childbearing age still in ahead of them, while other religions are more established and to a great extent past their childbearing age. Muslims have the youngest middle age (24) of every religious group, which is expected to add to their quick growth. Hindus (27) are likewise younger than the middle age of the world’s general populace (30), while the middle period of Christians (30) coordinates the worldwide median age. The other religions are older than the global median age, which is one of the reasons they are relied upon to fall behind the pace of worldwide population growth.

Fastest Growing Religion in the World 2020

Islam is growing faster than any other religion in the world, as indicated by a research carried out by the Pew Research Center. Truth be told, the greater part of the world’s significant religions are required to increase in total numbers by 2050, the exploration finds, with Islam set to surpass Christianity and become the world’s overwhelming religion by 2070.  In 2050, Christianity will at present be the world’s largest religion, with around 33% of the total world population clinging to its different denomination.

Islam, on the other hand, is rapidly catching up, however: Muslims make up the only religion anticipated to increase quicker than the world population in general. The primary explanations behind Islam’s development eventually include Muslims having a larger number of kids than devotees from the seven other real religion. Muslim ladies have an average of 2.9 children. Fundamentally, Muslim fertility surpasses non-Muslims.

In addition, the rapid growth of the Muslim population is helped by the way that Muslims have the most youthful middle age (24) of all other religions, over seven years more younger than the middle period of non-Muslims (32).






Conclusion on World Population by Religion – All You Need to Know

Now you have full knowledge of World Population by Religion and which religion currently dominates the vast population in the world. Not all child will stay in the doctrine of their parent. In certain countries, including the United States, it is common for grown-ups to leave their youth religion and change to another religion or belief (or no religion). Globally, be that as it may, the impact of religious changing is dominated by the effect of differences in fertility and mortality.

Tag: World Population by Religion – All You Need to Know, Population Of The World By Religion, Population Of The World By Religion, World Population By Religion, World Population Of Religion, Population Of The World By Religion In 2050